Yes, we have delivery. We send equipment via Yandex.Go service starting from the 4th order. You can check the details of delivery with managers by phone.
Do you offer delivery on your first order?
No, we do not offer delivery for the first order.
Why does the website say that the equipment is in stock, but when I come to the office, it is not there?
The website indicates the availability of equipment for rent, i.e. in a specific city you can rent equipment. However, since we are a pick-up point, the equipment itself may be on hand, being repaired or in another branch, and may not be available at the current time. Therefore, we always ask you to choose dates in advance and book equipment as early as possible.
Is it possible to rent for half a shift?
The minimum rental period is 1 shift (24 hours). You can return the equipment earlier, but the cost of the order will not change.
I don't have a passport, military ID, or driver's license for a pledge document. What should I do?
If your application is approved against a document deposit, but you cannot provide any of the possible documents, then you can also provide a deposit for the equipment or your own equipment, equivalent to the one you are renting, as a deposit.
Why is the monetary one so big? Is it possible to do without it?
The cash deposit is formed based on the estimated cost of the equipment. We understand that sometimes these are unaffordable amounts, so we have introduced the "Support" service, thanks to which you can take the equipment without a deposit. For more information about the service, contact the managers by phone.
Is it possible for someone else to pick up the order instead of me?
If this is your first order, unfortunately another person cannot pick up the equipment for you. After the first order is delivered, you will be able to personally write a power of attorney together with an authorized person in our office so that all subsequent orders are picked up by an authorized person.
Can another person return the equipment instead of me?
Yes, we can, but we will not be able to return the security document or security funds to the person who returns the equipment for you unless a power of attorney is written for him (notarized or written in our office in your presence and the presence of the authorized person).
Cuáles son los plazos de pago y las condiciones de entrega de los pedidos?
En el primer pedido, el pago de la factura debe realizarse antes del día del alquiler. La entrega del pedido se realiza solo después de recibir el pago completo por adelantado. A partir del segundo pedido, es posible realizar el pago después del alquiler.
Utilizan el intercambio electrónico de documentos (EDI)?
Sí, utilizamos el intercambio electrónico de documentos. A través de sistemas electrónicos, intercambiamos contratos, documentos de cierre y otros documentos necesarios.
Trabajan con IVA?
Sí, trabajamos con IVA. El monto del IVA ya está incluido en el costo del alquiler.
Cuáles son las condiciones de colaboración con representantes autorizados?
Si el Director General o el Empresario Individual no pueden recoger el pedido personalmente, es necesario emitir un poder notarial para el empleado que se encargará de recoger el pedido, firmar contratos y realizar otras acciones relacionadas con la interacción con nuestra empresa.
El original del poder notarial y el pasaporte del empleado deben presentarse al recoger el equipo. El poder notarial permanecerá en nuestras manos hasta su fecha de expiración.
Puede consultar el formato del poder notarial en el siguiente enlace
Es posible firmar un contrato marco?
Actualmente, el contrato marco está en desarrollo.